Dancing Outside
the Lines
Past Events and Classes
No advanced registration required unless otherwise indicated in class descriptions below
DoL classes are absolutely FREE
Students are welcome to tip their instructors or donate to sim costs during classes but this is entirely optional
How to Apply
Have something you are dying to learn but don't see it here?
Why not let us know what you would like to see offered as a class.
Class Suggestions
Dancer's Challenge Events
Something a little different to tickle the fancy of those game enough to step up to the plate! In November, Dancing Outside the Lines is bringing back the challenge where choreographers will participate in a game of chance a pair of songs to choose from, and create a routine from scratch right before our very eyes. We encourage spectators who would like to wander between the builds (there will be marked pathways) to get a rare glimpse into the artistic process.
Mainstream: Saturday, 10th November
Creating Time: 10:30am-2pm SLT
Bump-In to Theater: 2pm - 3pm SLT
Show Time: 3pm SLT
There will be approximately 3.5 hours allocated for creation of a simple set, choreography and costuming --- Anything goes!
Class Catalogue
If you would like to request a new session of any classes below, please contact Ayita (naybabe) in world.
Spot On Choreography System
Instructor: Ayita (naybabe)
Due to high demand and varying skill levels, this 1 hour class will run as an ongoing series covering the topics outlined below.
Please check the montlhy schedule above or our calendar for upcoming classes and topics.
Class Content Includes;
Designer vs. Mover
Understanding Waypoints and Timings
Decoding the NC Co-Ordinates
Creating Realistic Movement with Animations
Moving Props
Vertical Changes
Choreographing for Multiple Dancers
Couples Dancing/Split Animation Sequencing
Spot On Performance Director
Instructor: Maia (fionna carter)
Class Content Includes;
Hud Controls & Notecard Format
Using with Spot On Choreography System
Using with Spot On Group Formation System
Managing Stage Components
Commands & Hot keys
Animation Layering
** All students need to have either the Spot On Choreography system or the Group Formation system and must be familiar with one or both of them
The Basics of Backup Dancing
Instructor: Jo (JMB Balogh)
Saturday 6th and 13th of February at 1pm SLT
15 Spaces Available
Class Content Includes;
Avatar Enhancements
During the Show/Rehearsal
Working With Spot On
MiM: Wordless Storytelling
Instructor: JJ (ladiejj jewell)
Tuesday 2nd, 9th and 15th of February at 12pm SLT
10 Spaces Available
Class Content Includes;
Origins and process of storytelling
History of using dance to tell a story
Finding music to convey a story
Creating a story outline
You have an idea ..what comes next?
Dancing a Story: Beginning to End
Spot On Group Formation System
Instructor: Ayita (naybabe)
Class Content Includes;
Designer vs. Mover
Creating Custom Formations
Decoding the NC Co-Ordinates
Using Multiple Controllers
Creating Realistic Movement with Animations
Moving Props
Vertical Changes
Barre HUD Split Animation Sequencing
MiM: Creative Staging
Instructor: Ayita (naybabe)
Date: TBA
10 Spaces Available
Class Content Includes;
Moving Objects
Dancing on Moving Objects
Set Transitions
Imaginative Connections: Choreography and Staging
Lighting and Particle Effects
Music Editing Made Simple
Instructor: Snow (snow mistwood)
Sunday 7th, 21st and 28th of February at 10am SLT
(No class Sunday, 14th of February, Valentine’s Day )
Unlimited Spaces Available
Class Content Includes;
Music File Extensions and Meanings
Using YouTube and iTunes Music for Dances
Uploading Music Files to YouTube and Google Sites
Audacity: Downloading Software and LAME MP3 Encoder
Basic Music Editing in Audacity
Advanced Music Editing in Audacity
Creating and Producng a Piece of Music for a Dance
** All music editing software used in this class is 100% free and download links will be provided to students
Machinima Filming for Dance
Instructor: Koardan (koardan resident)
Sunday 6th, 13th and 20th of March at 10am SLT
20 Spaces Available
Class Content Includes;
Tools you need to record
Composition and lighting
Approaches to including Music
Editing your videos
Storing and publishing
https://player.vimeo.com/video/139051232 ~ Gorean Sample
https://player.vimeo.com/video/135771730 ~ Mainstream Sample
** All video software used in this class is 100% free and
download links will be provided to students
Running a Dance Event/Troupe
Instructor: Babypea (BabypeaVonPhoenix Bikergrrl)
Saturday 5th, 12th and 19th of March at 3pm SLT
Unlimited Spaces Available. The content for this series of
classes is so rich it is impossible to list it all here. If you would
like a full list of the content please contact a DoL Instructor.
Class Content Includes;
The Build: Land, Venue, Name
The Rules: Protocol
The Team: Staff
The Audience: Promotions
Running a dance event
Basic Props and Set Building
Instructor: JJ (ladiejj jewell)
Class Content Includes;
Prop vs. Set
Basic Elements of a Set
Building Backdrops
Texturing Backdrops
Incorporating 3D Elements
Interracting with a Set using Spot On
Using Props Effectively
Helpful Scripts for Effect and Lowering Prims
Note: Instruction based on Firestorm viewer. We recommend students be prepared to use this platform in order to get the most out of their class.
Sunday March 6th, 13th, 20th, April 3rd at 6pm SLT
Graduation: Sunday 10th April at 6pm SLT
8 Spaces Available
Class Content Includes;
What is traditional burlesque
What is needed to progress in burlesque
Examples of the best burlesque performers
The History of Burlesque in SL: Then and Now
Creating the scene and mood
The role of music, costumes, dance and stage sets
Choosing effective costumes, music and animations
Creating and building your stage set Building a stage set
Putting it all together
** All students must be confident in the creation of animation sequences to music using either Barre, Performance Director or Smooth Dancer HUDs.
The Art of Traditional Burlesque
Instructor: Miss Lady C. (lady correia)
Back to Basics: Male Perspective
Instructors: Wiz (Wiz Nirvana)
Saturday March 19th, 26th, April 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd at 1pm SLT
Graduation: Saturday 7th May at 1pm SLT
10 Spaces Available
This 6 week intensive is designed for first time and experienced dancers who are looking to explore the world of male choreography. It will cover the creation of a 100% male mainstream routine from start to finish.
Female choregraphers are welcome with the understanding that their graduation routine will have a full male cast.
Class Content Includes;
Brainstorming ideas for your routine
Building basics, creating and accessorizing your first set
Costuming for men
Finding the right animations for men
Generating an animation sequence (Barre and Spot On)
Spot On Choreography System basics
All students will need to have or budget for the following;
Set building materials: $200L-$400L
Animations: $500L-$1000L
Barre HUD or Spot On Performance Director: $1000L
Spot On Choreography System: $2000L
We understand that this is a large outlay, however if you intend
to take up dancing as a hobby these are some of the basic tools
you will need to get started.
MiM: A Way with Words
Instructor: JJ (ladiejj jewell)
Date/Time: Thursday 3rd, 10th, 17th March at 6pm SLT
10 Spaces Available
Class Content Includes;
Implementing verbal elements into a dance
Adding emotes to various dance styles
Introductions, descriptions, and titles
Words in the background (backdrops and sets)
Manipulating words using dancing technology